National Semiconductor COP400

COP400 is a family of microcontrollers from National Semiconductor. It can be electronically dumped.

COP400 data sheet

COP400 Product Development System manuals and disks

The COP410/411 is one member of the COP400 family. It has 1/2 K of 8-bit ROM and 32 4-bit nibbles of RAM. It was used in games like Mattel Funtronics Jacks and Milton Bradley Plus One. The COP410 has 24 pins and the COP411 has 20 pins.

Jacks game

Mattel Funtronics LED game.

hardware description and pinout

electronic ROM dump

Picture of die

close up of ROM bits - on the right side, 0 bits have been marked with black dots

ROM array layout


Red Light Green Light game

Mattel Funtronics LED game.

hardware description and pinout

electronic ROM dump

ROM bits

Picture of die

die on PCB

LED and jumper wires on PCB


Tag game

Mattel Funtronics LED game.

hardware description and pinout

electronic ROM dump

Plus One game

Since this was an 8-pin DIP, not all the signals were available to electronically dump it, so I had to visually dump it.

hardware description and pinout

Picture of die

Picture of die with top metal removed

visual ROM dump

The COP420/421 is another model of the COP400 family. It has 1K of 8-bit ROM and 64 4-bit nibbles of RAM. COP420 has 28 pins, and COP421 has 24 pins. Some games that used it are Milton Bradley Lightfight and Castle Toy Einstein.

Lightfight game

Milton Bradley LED game.

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

Einstein game

Castle Toy Company game.

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

I Took a Lickin' from a Chicken

LJN game.

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

Pictures of the cam that moves the chicken

motor and cam

cam removed

cam top

cam bottom with gear

cam side

cam top

cam bottom

cam top with depths

cam bottom flipped to match top view

control rod attached to chicken that cam drives

Video of cam

Head to Head Basketball game

Coleco game.

hardware description and pinout

LED positions

ROM dump

Apple Lisa HZT

Keyboard, mouse, RTC and power switch controller.

ROM array pic from Visual6502 with bits marked

visual ROM dump from die shot

Electronic Battleship 1982

Milton Bradley game. This version added a "code book" to automate placing ships.

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

Quiz Kid Racer

National Semiconductor educational calculator. This is a later version that replaced the MM5799 with a COP420

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

This is also listed in the 1980 National Semiconductor MOS Databook as "MM57455 Advanced Educational Arithmetic Game".

The COP444/445 is another member of the COP400 family. It has 2K of 8-bit ROM and 128 4-bit nibbles of RAM. COP444 has 28 pins and COP445 has 24 pins. One handheld game that used it is Entex Space Invader.

COP444L data sheet

Space Invader game

Entex handheld LED game.

hardware description and pinout

full die shot - upper right pad is pin 4, pins numbered CCW, extra ground between 15 and 16

ROM dump


Mattel board game.

hardware description and pinout

ROM dump

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