The TMS-1500 was used in a few Texas Instruments calculators, such as the TI-57, TI-55 and MBA.
Texas Instruments programmable calculator.
ROM array with bits overlaid updated 10/22/2017 - 4 bits fixed
raw ROM dump from siliconpr0n pic updated 10/22/2017 - 4 bits fixed
ROM dump updated 10/22/2017 - 4 bits fixed
ROM dump transcribed from patents 4078251 4079459 4100600 4107781 4125901 4164037
Texas Instruments programmable calculator.
Hardware description and pinout
ROM array with top metal removed
Texas Instruments programmable calculator.
ROM array with top metal removed
TI-57 emulator and documentation
TI-57 emulator for PC and HP calculators