Tiger 7 in 1 Sports Stadium Chip labeled MP7304 MAL ^ 8227 Philippines die labeled TMS1400 MP7304A 28L 01D O000 R300 12 buttons: P1 and P2 UDLR, start and serve 1 switch: 1/2 players 39 LEDs 4 7-segment LEDs piezo TMS1400 pinout 1 R0 button matrix and digit 1 (right) 2 R1 button matrix and digit 2 3 R2 button matrix and digit 3 4 R3 digit 4 (left) 5 R4 LED row 1 (bottom) 6 R5 LED row 2 7 R6 LED row 3 8 R7 LED row 4 9 R8 LED row 5 (top) 10 R9 piezo 11 R10 1/2 player switch 12 Vdd 9v battery negative 13 Init diode and cap 14 K1 button matrix 15 K2 button matrix 16 K4 button matrix 17 K8 button matrix 18 O7 in-between LEDs ABCD 19 O6 segment G / LED column 1 (right) 20 O5 segment F / LED column 2 21 O4 segment E / LED column 3 22 O3 segment D / LED column 4 23 O2 segment C / LED column 5 24 O1 segment B / LED column 6 25 O0 segment A / LED column 7 (left) 26 OSC pin 27 and 47pF cap to Vss and 47K resistor to Vdd 27 OSC pin 26 28 Vss 9v battery positive via switch keypad matrix K1 K2 K4 K8 R0 P2 Down P2 Up P2 Right P2 Left R1 P2 Serve P1 Serve P2 Start P1 Start R2 P1 Up P1 Down P1 Left P1 Right R10 2 Players -- -- -- LEDs (player 1 on right) 8 8 8 8 R8 o o o o o o o R7 o o o o o o o D R6 o o o o o A o B o C R5 o o o o o o o R4 o o o o o o o O0 O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 A=O7 + R7 B=O7 + R6 C=O7 + R5 D=O7 + R4